February 9, 2014
I have tried to report abuse of power and abuse of state resources but of course no one wants to listen. And all I got for my efforts was to be terminated from my position as a toll collector with 19 years of service. My entire reason for being terminated was due to the fact that Milissa Burger and Andrew Clayton could not silence me in my attempts to report those actions. Just one example was when Ms. Burger, knowing that automation in the entry system was being installed, allowed a build up of the old toll tickets that had to be destroyed ( and paid to destroy at the dump site at $48.00 a ton) and the tickets to be destroyed at approximately $100,000.00. No problem for her though, it was just toll patron dollars being wasted.
The Deputy Director of Tolls, Milissa Burger is in charge of contract compliance between the DOT and Faneuil, Inc., the outsourced company in charge of employees that work for tolls, and Andrew Clayton, VP for Faneuil, Inc. in my opinion has violated almost every item in the contract that relates to the employees working in tolls. I have a copy of the contract which I have read and it has almost no resemblance to what Milissa allows Faneuils Andrew to get away with but there seems to be no person, with the intelligence to dissect and understand the terms of the contract, willing to take this task on so because of this Milissa goes about doing what she wants to do in allowing Faneuil executives to cheat the toll employees out of wages and benefits for which they are entitled according to the contract.
But Milissa and Andrew Clayton did a snow job on the investigator of the CIG's office, who told me in person that in all of his years of investigations, he had NEVER investigated and official contract and as the so called investigation proceeded it became quite apparent that he had no clue as to the terms of the contract and he just simply believed everything that Milissa and Andrew Clayton told him.
Anyone who has any knowledge of a contract and it's legal implications and done a proper investigation would know that they had just gotten a snow job and what he was told couldn't have been further from the truth. It was simply a cover up and pushed under the rug and hoped to be forgotten. But the untrained investigator just sucked up the BS that they fed him while Milissa was still under oath.
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